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February 22, 2010
Tri-Board Meeting
Memorial Town Hall
Third Floor Meeting Room
7:00 PM

Selectmen Present:      Philip Trapani, Chairman; Evan O’Reilly; Gary Fowler; Stephen Smith, Clerk

Others Present: Janet Pantano, Administrative Assistant

Absent:         C. David Surface: Michael Farrell, Interim Town Administrator   
Call to Order
Mr. Trapani called the meeting to order at 7:03PM.

Public Hearing/Liquor License Transfer
Georgetown Grille, Inc. to 19 West Main St., Inc. d/b/a Rory O’Connor’s Irish Pub
Attorney Joseph H. Devlin, Vincent & Joanne Giblin were present
Mr. Trapani asked for some background information from the Giblin’s.  Mr. Giblin explained that this is the fifth pub & restaurant that they have owned; he stated that they live in Ipswich.  Mr. Trapani asked what they plan on doing with the restaurant.  Mr. Giblin stated that they want it to be like a pub in Ireland with a gas fireplace and Irish music.  He stated that they plan to have similar pub food as is now on the menu.  Ms. Giblin stated that they plan to be hands on owners. Mr. Smith asked when they plan on opening.  Mr. Giblin stated that they will close to do renovations and open the 2nd or 3rd week of May.  Attorney Devlin stated that the Giblin’s have missed owning a restaurant and plan to be present all the time.  

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the transfer of the All Alcohol/Restaurant License of the Georgetown Grille, Inc to 19 West Main Street, Inc. d/b/a Rory O’Connor’s Irish Pub to expire December 31, 2010.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the change of d/b/a from “Georgetown Grille” to “Rory O’Connor’s Irish Pub” to appoint Vincent A. Giblin the manager of record, and to pledge said license and inventory to Rory O’Connor’s Irish Pub.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Executive Session minutes of February 8, 2010.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Board Business
Harris Way Affordable Housing Agreement
Mr. Trapani read a letter from the Planning Board on the Harris Way Affordable Housing Agreement with funds going to the Affordable Housing Trust.  He stated that Planning Board, Affordable Housing Task Force, Affordable Housing Trustees have been working hard on this agreement.  Ms. Pantano stated that Mr. Cracknell would be present this evening to address the Agreement.  Mr. Trapani stated that they would hold discussion until Mr. Cracknell arrives.

Recreational Path Committee Update
Jeff Wade, Chair; Dick Paganelli, friend of the Committee, and Tillie Evangelista were present.
Mr. Wade explained the process that the committee has been going through and how they are moving forward.  He had a map of the path from Salisbury to Danvers explaining that they have formed the group “Border to Boston Trail Committee”.  He stated that they plan to have a paved path so it can be used by handicapped residents, strollers, and bikes.  He explained the funding sources with the State and the back and forth.  He stated that they are working on a 99-year lease with National Grid.  Mr. Wade stated that there was a warrant article a few years ago allowing the town to go into lease agreements with residents for the RecPath.  He stated that they need a lease from National Grid and are working on a timeline to build.  He stated that they want to use the path as soon as they can even as a dirt path.  He stated that as they are negotiating the lease the committee is also looking for a license to do work on the path.  He stated that they need the lease to receive funds from the government.  Discussion on process.  He stated that the 25% design is a big piece of the puzzle.  He explained that the Department of Transportation has $7mil to distribute and the B2B Committee has asked MVPC to administer the funds of the DOT.   He stated also that the RecPath committee will be asking for a letter of support from the BoS to move forward with DOT.  He stated that right now there are only five towns going for this money which puts Georgetown in a good position.  He stated that they are sure with these funds they will get to 25% design and will be in a good position to get to 75% design.  Mr. Trapani stated that with the funds from CPC they will get to 25% and what will it take to get to 100%.  Mr. Wade stated $500k to get to 100% design.  He stated that the Federal Government would pay for construction.  He stated that the RecPath is again asking for $250K from CPC.  Mr. Paganelli stated that all this funding is a moving target and processes are always changing.  

Tillie Evangelista explained that MVPC will be the overseer of funds and that she is not a member of the Merrimack Planning Organization and this is a critical committee to have a representative on. Mr. Trapani explained that he is the representative on this committee for the Town.  Mr. Wade explained that they must first front the funds and then the funds will be returned to the Town.  He stated that it will be huge to have a 100% design and shovel ready project.  Mr. Fowler asked about the Topsfield trail that it is not paved.  Mr. Paganelli stated that Topsfield is going with stone dust and 8 ft wide and will allow horses and this is not what Georgetown is looking at.  Mr. Wade stated that Georgetown will only have non-motorized bikes, will not allow horses, and they will post signage.  Mr. Trapani stated that this is a long term project with highs and lows.  

Mr. Trapani stated that MPO it has been difficult for him to attend meetings as they are at noon but that he would attend the March 10th meeting.  Mr. Wade stated that at the March 10 meeting the funding process will be announced for the DOT funds.   He stated that they have gotten together with Newbury and Boxford to work together in the hope to receive funds and have now talked to other towns to join them.  Mr. O’Reilly stated that they also need a letter of support.  Mr. Trapani stated that the board has been in favor of this project.  

Unsung-Hero Community Service Award
Sandy Gerraughty explained that it is that time again to submit applications for the Unsung-Hero Community Service Award.  She explained that the award is to recognize a resident who has provided a long-term contribution to the Town in an elected, appointed, community service or volunteer role or a combination of these.  She explained that the nomination form is due back by the end of March and should be submitted to the Selectman’s Office.  She stated that the nominee would be recognized at the Annual Town Meeting on May 3, 2010.  

Blueberry Lane Street Acceptance Deeds
Mr. Cracknell, Town Planner was present to explain that the mylar plan and deed for the street acceptance has to be signed by the Selectmen.  He stated that this is a housekeeping issue and the street was accepted at the STM November 16, 2009.  He discussed additional street acceptances that they working on and are looking to improve the process in the future.  Mr. Fowler asked how street acceptances have gotten so far behind.  Mr. Cracknell stated rate of growth was greater over the last 10-12 years and the town does not accept the street until the project is finished and then some developers have not been as motivated to move the process.  He stated that the board is now pushing the developer to move forward to have the street accepted by the Town earlier.  He stated that this will put more responsibility on the town to be sure that the road is kept in good condition as the developer still works on the subdivision.  

Mr. Durkee had concerns on an unresolved issue on Baldpate Road.  Mr. Cracknell stated that they are holding surety for any issues that will come forward.  Discussion on plowing streets before they are accepted.   The Board of Selectmen signed the mylar and deed.

Harris Way Affordable Housing Agreement
Mr. Cracknell explained this agreement and the process that they have gone through to get to this agreement.  He stated that the board now has a formula to use if the developer does not want to provide an affordable home in the development.  He discussed previous funds and the new formula.  He stated that the payment to the Town will be in excess of $250,000.  

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Harris Way Affordable Housing Agreement.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

License Renewal
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Second Hand Shop License for Sedler’s Antiques to expire December 31, 2010.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

ATM & STM Warrant
Mr. O’Reilly moved to open the Annual Town Meeting warrant and the Special Town Meeting warrant for May 3, 2010.   Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

License Renewal
Mr. O’Reilly moved approve the Common Victualler, Sunday Live Entertainment, Weekly Entertainment Licenses for Rory O’Connor’s Irish Pub to expire December 31, 2010.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani thanked Senator Tierney for his Town Hall visit last week.  

Mr. Trapani stated that the Fire Department held a great Retirement party for John Durkee and thanked him for his years of service to the Town.

The board welcomed Anne Kasper as the new editor of the Georgetown Record.  

Mr. Trapani stated that they would hold an Executive Session on March 1 at 6:00PM to discuss union negotiations.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to adjourn.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40PM.

Minutes transcribed by J. Pantano.

Minutes approved March 8, 2010.